
James Manuel (South Africa)
A new book has just been published and released to the public. The title of the book is UNDER THE HALO.
UNDER THE HALO is an examination of whether William Branham, a 20th century faith-healer and evangelist is a prophet of God as believed by an estimated 1 to 1.5 million followers who call his teachings The Message.
Written by Rod Bergen, a former message believer, who shares his journey into and out of this cult. It's a well-researched review of the prophecies, visions, stories and doctrines of William Branham-things that can't be questioned by those in The Message.
Though most people today have never heard of William Branham, he had significant influence on Pentecostalism, and the Christian Charismatic movement. After his passing, zealous followers carried his sermons around the world. Today, his followers are found in small pockets globally.
UNDER THE HALO will be illuminating for both former and present members of The Message, and those interested in the history of the healing revival of the 1940's and 1950's, or how fringe religious groups form and thrive.
UNDER THE HALO is more than an examination of the critical errors in William Branham's prophecies, credibility, and teaching; it also provides practical advice to anyone seeking to help members leave The Message. The footnotes bear witness of the absolute certainty that Rod made sure every source of information is mentioned.
I was one of the privileged few to proof read the contents when the book was in its final stages. What impressed me was Rod's uncompromising commitment to honesty and truth that can be witnessed throughout the pages of this book. The empathy and love Rod shows in the introduction towards those in the Message is admirable. I am proud and honored to be associated with a Christian of his caliber.
UNDER THE HALO is well researched and I know personally that Rod left no stone unturned to make sure of the facts that are highlighted in the book. I strongly advise anyone who is interested in the accurate facts and information regarding the message and ministry of William Branham to get a copy of UNDER THE HALO.

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