Under The Halo

Under The Halo is an examination of whether William Branham, a twentieth century faith-healer and evangelist, was a prophet of God as believed by an estimated 1 to 1.5 million followers who call his teachings the “Message.“

Under The Halo - Front Cover

Buy the book

Under The Halo is currently available online in audio, print and electronic versions.  The audiobook on Spotify and other audio sources should be here in the next week or so.

About the author

Rod Bergen was the President of Power to Change, one of Canada's largest largest Christian evangelism ministries. He was previously a senior executive with Canada's second largest private corporation and, prior to that, was the partner-in-charge of the BC tax practice of a global accounting firm.

Why would he write a book about William Branham, a faith healer who died in 1965?

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